
Diverse group of professionals smiling together.

CLW SOLUTIONS provides customized solutions for real problems faced by employers today:
Change Work-Related Stress Into Energy and Productivity

Turn Work Dissatisfaction Into Motivation and Satisfaction

Transform Work Disengagement Into Commitment and Contribution


Dramatic, Measurable Results

Organizations implementing the solutions offered by CLW have seen dramatic, measurable results1:


  • Reduce Work Stress 32%
  • Increase Work Satisfaction 38%
  • Improve Work Engagement 62%
  • Reduce Turnover of Key Talent 49%
  • Decrease Disability Days 52%
  • Increase Productivity 7%
  • Reduce Absenteeism 18%


Why Are Work Engagement, Satisfaction, and Stress Management Important?

The simple answer is that engagement, satisfaction, and stress directly impact a company’s bottom line.


  • Level of employee engagement has a direct financial impact on organizations. Companies with the highest employee engagement increase operating income by 19% year on year and earnings per share by 28%. Companies with the lowest employee engagement decrease operating income by 33% year on year and earnings per share by 11%. Increasing work engagement improves financial return.2
  • Engaged and satisfied employees are less likely to quit their jobs. Fewer than 5% of engaged employees are looking for a new job whereas 25% of disengaged employees are job hunting.3 It costs 3 times an employee’s salary to recruit and retrain a replacement.4 Reducing employee turnover by increasing work satisfaction and engagement saves money.
  • Stress causes fatigue, irritability, lack of concentration, reduces productivity, and leads to sickness, disability, and burnout if left untreated. By helping employees improve their stress management, companies provide a better work environment and help their employees work more productively and efficiently.


Evaluation Services

CLW utilizes in-person and online diagnostic tools to assess employee stress, satisfaction, and engagement levels. This confidential evaluation provides information about your company’s strengths and vulnerabilities, allowing CLW to provide customized solutions targeting the specific areas where improvement is needed. Following the evaluation, CLW will provide a report detailing the diagnostic findings and make specific recommendations that will help your company achieve its goals.

Corporate Training

CLW provides your company with the tools it needs to help employees feel more satisfied on a daily basis, be engaged with their team and organization as a whole, and manage workplace change and stress. The trainings are modularized and each module is customized for each client. This allows each company to create a training program that addresses its specific needs while supporting its unique goals and values. In addition to CLW’s courses, we also offer one-on-one coaching targeting each of your company’s objectives.


Sample courses include:

“There’s Action In SatisfACTION”: This course focuses exclusively on helping employees increase their personal Satisfaction level by 30+%. 87% of adults have absolutely no idea what satisfies them. By helping employees understand what satisfies them and how to get those satisfiers into their lives more frequently, employees will feel more satisfied and less stress. Participants learn how to turn frustration and stress into energy and productivity and dissatisfaction into motivation and satisfaction.


Man celebrating with arms raised in success.

“Making Change Successful, Not Stressful”: Like it or not, change is constantly occurring. This comprehensive program is designed to improve individual resilience to stress and change, increase satisfaction, increase engagement, and works to ensure that organizational changes succeed as planned. “Making Change Successful, Not Stressful” is offered in flexible modules that build upon one another and allow time for employees to absorb information and adjust to organizational change. This program empowers participants to:


  • Understand how everyone is affected by the change >> uncertainty >> stress cycle and the process for breaking free from it
  • Maintain an optimist~winner mindset, while avoiding the pessimist~victim feelings that often accompany change
  • Reduce unnecessary stress triggers
  • Restore feelings of control and turn off negative self-talk
  • Break free of the worry~frustration cycle
  • Stop getting pulled into the rumor mill
  • Feel energized by prioritizing energy output
  • Unwind from work pressures and relax
  • Increase personal Satisfaction level by 30+%
  • Utilize positive self-talk and visualization to accomplish goals
  • Support team and organizational goals while pursuing personal satisfiers
  • Learn Win-Win communication strategies and recognize and turn around Lose-Lose situations
  • Bring personal strengths to work and support team objectives
    Foster a positive work atmosphere, making your company “a good place to work”


“Mastering Stress”: This course teaches participants to understand how their stress affects them, identify their dominant stresstype, and learn the skills and develop the motivation needed to reduce stress for their particular stresstype.


Other Services

  • Executive Coaching and Employee Development
  • Team Counseling
  • On-Call Advice for Companies and Individuals
  • Collection of Employee Feedback
  • Liaison Between Management And Staff
  • New Hire Orientation


Evidence-Based Solutions

Our solutions are evidence-based. Feel confident knowing that our solutions have been scientifically proven to work and are supported by research on tens of thousands of people over the last 25+ years.


Double Your Benefits

CLW’s tag line, CORPORATE LIFE WELLNESS®, recognizes that employees are not only workers; they also have roles and responsibilities outside of the office.

Your employees will double their benefits by applying the strategies and skills they learn in CLW’s courses and individual counseling to their personal life in addition to their work life.

For more information contact us at [email protected].



1 Canadian Institute of Stress.

2 Towers Perrin.

3 Towers Perrin.

4 Shevory, K. The Workplace as Clubhouse. Citing Prof. Jeffrey Pfeiffer, Graduate School of Business at Stanford University. The New York Times